Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Avril Lavigne and her abilty to write songs

When you think of Avril Lavigne, what comes to your mind? Is it her Canadian- punk image, her really nice hair or is it her plagiarising scams? Plagirising scams, it can not be that? Well it is and it is true, she has been "plagiarising" again.

Tommy Dunbar and James Gangwer filed a lawsuit against Avril Lavigne and Dr. Luke with claims of Avril stealing their song. The Rubinoos say Avril Lavigne copyed their song called "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" which ends up being her masterpiece "Girlfriend." Avril says "I had never heard this song in my life and their claim is based on five words."[1] In Rubinoo's song those five words are "Hey hey you you I wanna be your boyfriend" even though it's really nine. In her song it "Hey hey you you I want to be your girlfriend." She also says "All songs share similar lyrics and emotions. As humans we speak one language."[2] Technically Avril, not all humans speak the same language but if Avril thinks so, then it must be right.

After reading many articles and listening to both sides of the coin, it really makes you wonder, did she really copy them or is it just her own skills that make a smash hit which happens to sound like something we've heard before. Mmmmmmmm?

"A pair of U.S. songwriters allege her catchy single sounds suspiciously like a song called I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend, released by the Rubinoos in 1979."[3] What do you think? Did she really steal it or was it just a coincidence? "We are not so naive as to chalk it up to some sort of cosmic coincidence," Dunbar said. "The lyric, the meter, the rhythm - they're identical." [4] Nevermind. After listening to both songs they sound suspiciously alike? Hey, doesn't it reminder you of something simialar? Let's have a listen, shall we.

<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0d2z-dWZmE> [5]

That was the one and only Peaches, another Pop-Punk Canadian. So what did you think of the songs? Do you think they sound simialar? You be the judge of that. In Avril's defence Terry McBride, president of Nettwerk Music Group, Lavigne's Vancouver-based management company says "I'm quite sure the beats are different."[6] Maybe Terry McBride doesn't have ears?

If you haven't already listened to "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" and/or "Girlfriend" then I suggest you do. Then compare the two songs. Do you think Avril plagiarised or do think they sound nothing alike?

-Sonya! * All The Things She Said- Tatu

Works Used

http://www.cbc.ca/arts/music/story/2007/07/07/avril-songwriting-fireback.html [1,3]
http://www.hecklerspray.com/now-avril-lavigne-rips-off-peaches/20079151.php [6]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0d2z-dWZmE [5]
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/09/AR2007070901127.html [4]
http://www.nme.com/news/avril-lavigne/29587 [2]